Jamaica Plain & Roslindale Arts Links

39 Robeson Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Email: info@communityartsadvocates.org


Like our page on FaceBook for updated notices on events and policy issues at



Festivals and Events

Clubs and Coffeehouses


Art Classes, Schools and Camps

Artists Studio and Space Message Board

JP Murals

Community Arts Advocates Site Map
Welcome to JP Arts Links, maintained by Community Arts Advocates. This is just a capsule overview and gateway of the ever changing arts community in Jamaica Plain. Neighborhood boundries are invisible and we also include links to organizations and resources that serve JP residents and artists from Roxbury, Hyde Park and Roslindale. Community Arts Advocates has an extensive database of over 35,000 arts related contacts.

Up dates, corrections and additions are welcome. Community Arts Advocates, P.O. Box 300112, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-0030 Telephone: 617-522-3407 Email: info@communityartsadvocates.org

Basic listings are free. A donation of $5/year, $10/year with photographs for listings of contact information and links is requested to help pay for the cost of keeping the information on-line. An individual web page with downloadable PDF files and flyers is $25/year donation. Email or give us a call for additional information and details.

IMPORTANT: Please consider sendng in a $10 donation for this information. It takes time and money ($500 year) to keeep it posted and updated. Make checks payable to COMMUNITY ARTS ADVOCATES in US Dollars International Postal Money Orders and send to:Community Arts Advocates, P.O. Box 300112, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-0030 USA. See the Donation form on this web site HERE or donations can also be made by credit card through Community Arts Advocates at the on line secure sites of the of Network for Good and PayPal through email info@communityartsadvocates.org

Visit the following web sites for lists of current Jamaica Plain exhibits, concerts, workshops and readings.

Jamaica Plain Gazette -- event listings -- http://www.jamaicaplaingazette.com/go-out.htm Jamaica Plain Gazette, 7 Harris Avenue , PO Box 301139, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Phone: (617) 524-2626 Fax: (617) 524-3921 http://jamaicaplaingazette.com/editorial.htm Only events in JP or directly involving JP residents will be published. Send submissions by e-mail to arts@JamaicaPlainGazette.com; by fax to (617) 524-3921; by mail to PO Box 301119, JP, 02130


For a map of Jamaica Plain go to www.mapquest.com or click on this icon


Click on images for larger versions. Photographs by Stephen Baird

The Civil War Monument at the junction of Centre and South Streets is one of JP's most famous landmarks. Directions are often given in relationship to the "Monument." On the side of the monument park is this old colonial stone road marker "5 Miles Boston Townhouse."


The farmers' market held on Tuesday 12-5 PM and Saturday 12-4 PM in the Bank of America, 677 Centre St. JP, MA 02130 parking lot is a great place to meet neighbors and taste fresh produce from the Stillman's Farm, Glenn & Genevieve Stillman 508-867-7193 Email: G2Stillman@aol.com http://jamaicaplainfarmersmarket.wordpress.com/

Loring Greenough House, 12 South St, JP. MA 02130 (By the Monument) Farmers Market in Jamaica Plain for the 2016 season. The market is open every Thursday 3:30-dusk starting June 2, 2016 and runs through October 6, 2016 www.loring-greenough.org

Egleston Square Farmers Market http://eglestonfarmersmarket.org/ Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, 45 Brookside Avenue, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 June-February, Saturdays, 10 am-2 pm

Updated Farmers Markets info for the the entire city of Boston http://bostonfarmersmarkets.org/market-profiles/jamaica-plain-mission-hill/

 Jamaica Plain and Roslindale Arts Links Index

Festivals & Events

This section lists the large annual festivals held in Jamaica Plain. Visit the Clubs and Coffeehouse or Organizations listings for individual venue schedule links by clicking on index titles.


Boston Cyberarts Festival, George Fifield , Director, Telephone 617.524.8495, Email info@bostoncyberarts.org, Web: http://www.bostoncyberarts.org More than 60 exhibitions and events in and around Boston and Cambridge from April through May . The Festival, a biennial event founded in 1999, is the first and largest collaboration of artists working in new technologies in all media in North America. Website also contains an online gallery, HyperArtSpace, and APropos, a database and registry for artists' proposals.

First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Andrew Zarrow at 617-971-8078 or info@centresouth.org Web site: http://www.centresouth.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.


First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Randace Moore at 617-542-0300 or rmoore@jpcentresouth.org Web site: http://www.jpcentresouthmainstreets.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.

Wake Up the Earth Festival, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 617-524-6373 http://www.spontaneouscelebrations.org held first Saturday in May, by Stonybrook MBTA Station on Southwest Corridor Park. The Wake Up the Earth Festival began in 1979 when a group of local neighbors and activist banded together to stop the I-95 expansion into Jamaica Plain. The festival began as, and still is, a celebration of what can be accomplished when people of all traditions, cultures, ages, and beliefs come together. A great many individuals, local artists, community groups, and schools join forces every year to make a unique community collaboration. Recent festivals have included an enchanted puppet forest, live bands, dancers, acoustic performers and a giant puppet pageant. 

May 6, 2017 (Rain: Postponed to May 13th)

Click on images for larger versions. Photographs by Stephen Baird



First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Andrew Zarrow at 617-971-8078 or info@centresouth.org Web site: http://www.centresouth.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.


First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Randace Moore at 617-542-0300 or rmoore@jpcentresouth.org Web site: http://www.jpcentresouthmainstreets.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.

Puerto Rican Festival, last weekend in July. Moved from Playstead Field, Franklin Park to City Hall Plaza in 2013 -- Festival Puertorriqueño de Massachusetts, P.O. Box 146726, Boston, MA 02114 Contact: President - Mrs. Reinelda "Chickie" Rivera 617-816-7831 y Rafael A. Feliciano, Vice Presidente Web site: http://puertoricanfestivalofma.org/ FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/MAPUERTORICANFESTIVAL Email: PuertoRicanFestival@Yahoo.com

Puerto Rican salsa bands, carnival rides and games. Foods: alcapurrias, bacalaitos, and pasteles. Sunday parade with floats carry festival kings and queens starts at noon from Madison Park High School; travels Boylston Street in the Back Bay area to the City Hall Plaza, arriving about 2 pm. Festival was started in 1967.


Click on images for larger versions. Photographs by Stephen Baird


First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Andrew Zarrow at 617-971-8078 or info@centresouth.org Web site: http://www.centresouth.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.

Dominican Republic Independence Day and Festival, Semana Cultural y Desfile Dominicano, P.O. Box 351, Halifax, MA 02338 Join us in this venture as a supporter, sponsor or local vendor at the festival. For more information: Marcela Buscante | Phone: 617-524-4029Web site: http://dominicanfestival.com/ Festival is held during the week of Dominican Republic Independence Day (Aug. 16), on Playstead Field in Franklin Park. Features salsa and merengue bands, carnival rides, parade with floats and lots of foods.

2013 Festival will held on City Hall Plaza

Caribbean American Festival held in mid August at White Stadium, Franklin Park, Boston. $8, $5 kids. Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti, Bahamas, and other islands celebrated with foods, costume parades, music and dance. Parade is held Saturday, 1-7 pm, costumed marchers and floats go from MLK Boulevard down Warren Ave. to Blue Hill Avenue to Franklin Park. Features costume and steel drum competitions.  See costume maker at The Trinidad and Tabago Social Club at http://tntsocialclubbos.com/  Festival information at: http://bostoncarnivalvillage.com/

Click on images for larger versions. Photographs by Stephen Baird

Jamaica Plain Porch Fest  http://www.jpporchfest.org  First fest in 2014.  Music of over 30 bands and musicians on porches thoughout JP. August 21- 22  rain dates August 28-2, 2022. 12 noon-6 PM

Click on Images for larger versions.


First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Andrew Zarrow at 617-971-8078 or info@centresouth.org Web site: http://www.centresouth.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.

Jamaica Plain Music Fest - Held at Jamaica Pond Pinebank Baseball Field,  celebrating the diverse and creative sounds of many of our local musicians. Started in 2011. Contact: JP Music Festival, PO Box 300346, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Email: JPMusicalFestival@gmail.com http://www.jpmusicfestival.com

Jamaica Plain Worlds Fair JP Neighborhood Development Corp, 31 Germania St., Jamaica Palin , MA 02130 617-522-2424 held first Sunday after Labor Day on Centre Street from Hyde Square to Jackson Square. Lots of music, dance, foods and crafts from one of Boston's most diverse neighborhoods.

NOTE: Event is closed 2008-2011.  Not sure if or when it will be return.

Children playing with the band and the Silverleaf Gospel Singers. Photographs by Stephen Baird

Roslindale Porch Fest, Music of over 30 bands and musicians on porches thoughout Roslindale.  Email: hello@roslindaleporchfest.org Web site: https://roslindaleporchfest.org/

Jamaica Plain Open Studios, Jamiaca Plain Arts Council, PO Box 300222, Jamaoica Plain , MA 02130-0030 Telephone: 617-855-5767, Email coordinator@jpopenstudios.com, http://www.jpopenstudios.com/ held late in September througout all of Jamaica Plain. Over 150 artists open their studios in homes, barns and lofts or share their art work in group shows at area churches, resaurants and buisnesses plus a juried show. See web site for artists directory, map and more details. Jamaica Plain Open Studios was founded by community art-activist Penny Pimentel and a group of Jamaica Plain visual artists who managed the event for the first five years. Under their leadership, JPOS grew to include over 200 artists and many JP non-profit arts institutions. A dedicated group of vounteer artists, community members, board of directors has continued to nurture and produce this community wide cultural event.


Click on images for larger versions. Photographs by Stephen Baird


First Thursdays - JP Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Andrew Zarrow at 617-971-8078 or info@centresouth.org Web site: http://www.centresouth.org/ A monthly evening of art, shopping, music, poetry and friends. Each art stroll runs from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. and features 35 art openings up and down Centre and South Streets. Now held all year long.

Jamaica Pond Lantern Parade, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, 617-524-6373, http://www.spontaneouscelebrations.orgThe ritual of the Jamaica Pond Lantern Parade began in 1984 when people gathered to make a journey with their candle-lit lanterns around Jamaica Pond. This beautiful autumn evening ceremony has become an annual tradition in our community on the last Saturday before Halloween. It reflects our dedication to the spirit of the Pond, to the beauty and peace of our planet, and to the unity of its people. Cosponsored with the Friends of Jamaica Pond.

Mural by Mural Crew designed by Connie Barbour. Photographs by Stephen Baird

Roslindale Open Studios PO Box 241, Roslindale, MA  02131 info@roslindaleopenstudios.org Visit 95 artists showing and selling in 30 venues throughout Roslindale in home studios, businesses and group spaces. All mediums represented. Visit Web Site http://www.roslindaleopenstudios.org/

Call to artists... Deadline is in June. High exposure weekend in Roslindale. Cost to participate is $75-$150.  For information see web site or email: artists@roslindaleopenstudios.org . 


Taste of JP
Annual fundraiser for ESAC highlighting the diversity of Jamaica Plain fine restaurants. ESAC Ensuring Stability through Action in Our Community, Robert Pulster, Executive Director, 3313 Washington Street, Suite 5 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 617-524-2555,


Holiday Stroll
The Holiday Stroll is held on the first Saturday in December from 1- 6pm. The length of Centre and South Streets features entertainers, giveaways, raffles and other fun activities that are FREE for all. Entertainment is scheduled throughout the day, Mayor Menino visits to light our tree, and over 30 businesses give away items ranging from gift certificates to a snowboard. Local businesses and organizations sponsor events in conjunction with the Stroll, including craft fairs, wine tastings, a wreath sale and other open house events. Special handouts include 250 gift bags stuffed with special offers, discounts and free gifts- everything from chocolate to travel mugs. 
Centre/South Main Streets, PO Box 302712, 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Andrew Zarrow at 617-971-8078 or info@centresouth.org Web site: http://www.centresouth.org/

 Jamaica Plain Murals are posted on a new page. Click here

IMPORTANT: Please consider sendng in a $10 donation for this information. It takes time and money ($500 year) to keeep it posted and updated. Make checks payable to COMMUNITY ARTS ADVOCATES in US Dollars International Postal Money Orders and send to:Community Arts Advocates, P.O. Box 300112, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-0030 USA. See the Donation form on this web site HERE or donations can also be made by credit card through Community Arts Advocates at the on line secure site of the Wainwright Bank's CommunityRoom.net. Visit Community Arts Advocates web site pages for programs, services and multicultural artists below.

For translations into different languages -- Arabic, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish or others visit the web site: http://babel.altavista.com

Community Arts Advocates

Community Arts Advocates, Inc. is a tax-exempt, nonprofit  organization.  Federal TIN 71-0877553

Copyright © 1999-2023 by Stephen Baird